Not Now, Cancer, I'm Busy
Facing a Health Crisis in Early and Midlife
Melissa Trevathan-Minnis, PhD and Deanne Meeks Brown, APCC
Are you or is someone you love facing a cancer diagnosis in the prime of life? You're not alone. The likelihood of developing cancer in one's lifetime is 1 in 2 for males and 1 in 3 for females, and the numbers are rising. A cancer diagnosis at any age is traumatic, but young to middle-aged adults who are often raising or planning for children, establishing careers, and getting on their financial feet face unique challenges. When cancer strikes, this group can become overwhelmed by navigating treatment options, mounting debt from medical bills, threats to fertility, and the necessity of facing one's mortality. It can become a mental battle ground.
In Not Now, Cancer, I'm Busy, Melissa Trevathan-Minnis and Deanne Meeks Brown offer research, resources, and support to help you overcome the ...