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Because of Eve

Historical and Theological Survey of the Subjugation of Women in the Christian Tradition

by Joseph E. Early, Jr., Ph.D.
small book icon  Paperback  
Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2022
Pages:  370
ISBN-10:  1627344098
ISBN-13:  9781627344098
Categories:  Philosophy, Religion, and Theology  Religion  History


Because of Eve is a thorough examination of how the Church and Christian men sought to define women and the roles women must play within the church, home, and society for more than two thousand years. The book examines the works of theologians, decrees of councils, canon law, statements of faith, and a myriad of other pronouncements that affected their generation--and the following generation's--beliefs concerning women. Each chapter considers the era in which these beliefs were voiced, as much of what was accepted as orthodoxy was reflected in or based on cultural beliefs.


See news about the book and author at The Meeting House by Dwight A. Moody (2022 October)

Babtist News Global (October 20th, 2023)

This important study surveys the roles of women, roles often assigned to them by men, through both biblical testaments and across Christian history to the contemporary church. It is a significant research resource for understanding historical, theological, spiritual and cultural interactions between males and females and the religious dogmas that influenced and divided them.
---Bill J. Leonard, Emeritus Professor of Divinity, Wake Forest University

Joseph Early has meticulously researched the primary sources throughout the history of the Church to show definitively how men, for their own purposes, have used the Bible to categorize and define women. Early then goes further to show how these erroneous and unbiblical beliefs are reflected and amplified in some modern-day theologies and practices. As an observer of this six-year long research project, I can attest to the author's innate dedication and fidelity to the task of showing how God's word is not detrimental to women but instead uplifts them as co-heirs with Christ and indeed, on equal ground with their brothers in Christ.
--Twyla K. Hernández, Professor of Missions, Campbellsville University

Joseph Early’s Because of Eve: Historical and Theological Survey of the Subjugation of Women in the Christian Tradition is an incredibly useful compendium of Christian men’s beliefs about women across church history. With careful detail and ample primary source evidence, Early demonstrates how for most of church history, men have offered biblical interpretations and constructed misogynistic theologies that maintain and reproduce the subordination of women. This volume will be helpful for academics and general readers alike for its comprehensive documentation of the treatment of women in men’s thinking and writing from biblical times until the present.
---Susan M. Shaw, Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Oregon State University

About the Author

Dr. Early is the professor of Church History, Theology, and Ethics at Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, Kentucky. He is the author of eight books including The Life and Writings of Thomas Helwys (Mercer University Press), A Texas Baptist Power Struggle (University of North Texas Press), and an Introduction to Christian History (Broadman and Holman). He has also written two manuals and numerous peer-reviewed journal articles. Dr. Early is married to Tiffany and has Maltese puppies named Freddie and Knox.

Paperback Edition
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