Nonfiction book proposals welcome

BrownWalker Press seeks authors who are experts in their field, and whose work addresses a specialized audience. Our mission is to expose new ideas and important scholarship. In exchange for distribution rights, we offer major distribution, fair compensation, multiple media editions, and personal attention.
Like traditional publishing houses we are selective about what we publish. However, because we are independent, we can publish many manuscripts that may not be profitable enough for large corporate publishers. By working closely with the author throughout the publishing process we have successfully published many manuscripts that would be difficult for other publishers. Although we do not offer monetary advances, we pay competitive royalties for nonfiction work.
Our publications are sold in paperback and ebook editions through major on-line booksellers such as,, and via special order through thousands of physical booksellers worldwide. We also have arrangements with large wholesale distributors including Ingram Book Company with worldwide distribution. In addition to four production and distribution facilities in the US, and locations in United Kingdom and Australia the network includes printing and distribution in Brazil, China, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, UAE, Singapore and Argentina. We also publish most of our books electronically for major ebook platforms including Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks and Google Books, and others.
We publish a wide variety of nonfiction topics, technical guides, and textbooks. Specifically, we are looking for specialized manuscripts written by authors who are established in their field, and who make their living through the communication of those ideas to others. The ideal manuscript will be written for an identifiable and easily reachable audience. It should be complete and proofread for errors in language, form and content. Since we can only publish a limited number of manuscripts, when deciding between two manuscripts we will look at the following criteria: • Usefulness • Originality • Writing quality • Manuscript preparation •Size and reachability of audience
The first step is to complete our Book Proposal form below. A representative will contact you within a few days with feedback regarding your proposal. If it looks like you have what we're looking for, we'll ask to see your manuscript.