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Crash Baby Crash

Living Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration

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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2024
Pages:  210
ISBN-10:  1627344799
ISBN-13:  9781627344791
Categories:  Psychology  Psychology  Self-Help


Do you know deep emotional darkness as well as peak experiences? Do you often feel like an outcast?Then this book is the gamechanger you need.

Crash Baby Crash is a courageous book about autonomy and nonconformism, about personal development and deep-seated empathy, as well as about the driving force of emotions and the importance of the search itself. It is a positive story that can reveal, for many, that the intense life they have lived was nothing but a process of becoming who they can truly be.

This book offers you the ultimate tools to begin your long journey of self-examination. Crash Baby Crash is an eye opener, the ideal introduction to the ideas of Dabrowski.


"This is the first book about Dabrowski's work that I have seen that captures the essence and heart of his theory. It is presented step-by-step how it impacted the author’s quest for growth. I highly recommend this book as an indispensable companion to Dabrowski’s work."
--William D. Tillier , Master of Science, University of Alberta, Dabrowski’s student. He published several books on his legacy and curator of Positive

"Crash baby Crash is an accessible and lively dive into positive disintegration. The literary style fits the emotional exploration. Beautiful insights into multilayeredness!"
--Lotte van Lith, Dabrowski specialist, Netherlands (keynote speaker Dabrowski congress 24)

"This book is not a self-help book, but there are questions in the book and lists for recognition that confirm the feeling that you as a reader belong, that it is about you. Burnout is discussed extensively as a form of disintegration as intended by Dabrowski, which is why I continue to belong to the target audience of readers even without a label. Clearly, theory must be lived, not just studied."
--Truus van der Kaaij, Specialist in Gifted Education ECHA, Netherlands

"Chris' book is more than a life manual; it is a philosophy of life. This book is a beacon of light, a message of hope and incredibly intelligently written."
--Jakobien Huysman, Spain, journalist, yoga teacher

"Chris Van Camp describes psychic processes in a very lucid way. She deals with crisis consciously and directs the reorganization of her personality, fitting level 4 of Dabrowski's theory: the organized multilayered disintegration. She touches the heart of psychotherapeutic practice."
--Journal of Clinical Psychology Belgium, author Marc Van Mechelen, client-centered therapist

"Thank you for writing this book. For sharing the English version. I've been looking forward to this day since it was first released."
--Chris Wells, PhD, LSW, President of Dabrowski Center Denver

"I am wild about the book!"
--Tanja Dierckx, editor in chief of Psychologies magazine of Belgium, psychotherapist

About the Author

Belgian writer Chris Van Camp prefers to sum up her life as, "she did everything in writing." That's pretty much her track record, too. She created magazines, series and books. She's known for with her critical columns and sharp theatrical monologues. When she discovered the work of Kazimierz Dabrowski, this aha-erlebnis resulted in years of in-depth study and two books: Kissed by Dabrowski (published in Dutch in 2020), nominated for the Flemish debut prize. and Crash Baby Crash. Each book was launched with theatrical performances. Find more at

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