Summer School on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Methods, Learning Algorithms and Software Tool for Modeling and Decision Making
4-8 July 2015 (5 days)
Organized by Ass. Prof. Elpiniki Papageorgiou
Dep. of Computer Science, University of Thessaly Lamia, Greece,
Place: City of Volos, DOMOTEL XENIA VOLOS, Greece
Course Title:
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Methods, Learning Algorithms and Software Tools.
Applications on case studies
Course Leader: Prof. Elpiniki Papageorgiou, TEI of Central Greece, Lamia
Main Lecturers: Dr. Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Gonzalo Nápoles
Structure: 32h course; 5 days; approximately 6h/day
Details of Summer School:
This five-day Summer School deals with the principles, assumptions, models, learning algorithms, convergence issues, strengths, limitations, applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) and new soft...
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Summer School on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Methods, Learning Algorithms and Software Tool for Modeling and Decision Making
4-8 July 2015 (5 days)
Organized by Ass. Prof. Elpiniki Papageorgiou
Dep. of Computer Science, University of Thessaly Lamia, Greece,
Place: City of Volos, DOMOTEL XENIA VOLOS, Greece
Course Title:
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Methods, Learning Algorithms and Software Tools.
Applications on case studies
Course Leader: Prof. Elpiniki Papageorgiou, TEI of Central Greece, Lamia
Main Lecturers: Dr. Elpiniki Papageorgiou and Gonzalo Nápoles
Structure: 32h course; 5 days; approximately 6h/day
Details of Summer School:
This five-day Summer School deals with the principles, assumptions, models, learning algorithms, convergence issues, strengths, limitations, applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) and new software tools for them. Fuzzy cognitive maps are fuzzy feedback dynamical systems for modeling causal knowledge. They were introduced by Bart Kosko in 1986 as an extension of cognitive maps. Cognitive maps are a set of nodes linked by directed and signed edges. The nodes represent concepts relevant to a given domain. The causal links between these concepts are represented by the edges which are oriented to show the direction of the influence and are signed to show a promoting or inhibitory effect.
FCMs have emerged as tools for representing and studying the behavior of systems and people. By combining the main aspects of fuzzy logic, neural networks, expert systems, semantic networks, they have gained considerable research interest and are widely used to analyze causal complex systems. From an Artificial Intelligence perspective, FCMs are dynamic networks with learning capabilities, where in more and more data is available to model the problem, the system becomes better at adapting itself and reaching a solution. They gained momentum due to their dynamic characteristics and learning capabilities. These capabilities make them essential for modeling, analysis and decision making tasks as they improve the performance of these tasks.
This summer school is dedicated to providing participants with deep insights on fundamentals, modeling methodologies, learning algorithms, optimization and convergence issues for fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs), supplemented with hands on real case studies using the software tool of FCM Wizard. A diverse number of applications of FCMs in applied sciences and engineering will be investigated.
Important News:
The FCM software tool, called FCM WIZARD, will be fully presented in practice and the computer experiments will be based on it. A full version of FCM WIZARD will be given to the participants for investigating their problems.
Participants will bring their own problems from different applications domains, and through the conducted experiments and software we will try to solve them providing valuable results, which in next will be invited to be published in a Special Issue organized by the Main Organizers.
Details on the Special Issue will be announced soon.
Certificate of Attendance +Analytical Description of each course to be used for ECTS credit calculation
Target audience
The ideal number of participants is about 50. The summer school will host: a) young researchers who wish to achieve a thesis on the subject or to carry on a personal work which uses FCM or to in-depth their knowledge in this discipline in order to complete their training, and b) academics and scientists from research community that have an interest in using FCMs, either as a theoretical framework or as a methodology and tool for applied research, engineering, industrial applications, environmental management, medical decision support, computer science etc.
The official language of the School is English. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any simultaneous translation.
Registration Fees: 560 euro
Registration includes attendance to the summer school, software tool, documents, lunches, dinners and a social activity.
Registration fees include a free version of the new FCM tool, FCM WIZARD, which will be used for the practical computer exercises and for any real problems that attendees want to solve and make decision with this tool. See
Bank transfer details
Summer School on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps 2016 bank transfer details are available.
Please make deposits at:
Bank Account Details
Please make deposits at:
Holder: ELKE UTH – University of Thessaly
Holder address: Argonauton and Filelinon, Volos, 38221, Greece
IBAN: GR93 0140 3100 3100 0200 2020 898
Bank name: Alpha Bank
Bank address: Iasonos 60, Volos, Greece
Please make sure following are clearly stated as the bank transfer reason/information
• The number of the Summer School Program: CODE 5200
• The name of the Summer School: Summer School on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps 2016
• The name & surname of the delegate (NOT the name of the payer)
Computer Exercises:
The computer practice component of the Summer School has a number of very useful hands on real case studies.
Hands on training includes:
• FCM construction from experts and stakeholders, participants
• FCM construction from historical data
• Inference and Scenario analysis
• Learning
• Optimization
• Convergence
• Prediction
• Classification
• Clustering
• Decision Support (medical, environmental, business, management etc)
Website URL
For any queries please contact Elpiniki Papageorgiou, and
Expression of Interest
Please send an email to Elpiniki Papageorgiou for expressing your interest to attend the Summer School on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.
Contact Details
Dr. Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou
Assistant Professor
Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece
Computer Engineering Department
3o Km Old National Road Lamia-Athens, TK 35100, Lamia, Greece
Phone : (+30)22310 60255
web :
Important Dates
The FCM Summer School is a one-week event, taking place on 4th – 8th July, 2016.
• Application submission opening: January 25th, 2016
• Deadline for Application: April 30th, 2016
• Acceptance of Application: May 8th, 2016
• Early registration deadline: April 30th, 2016
• Beginning of the summer school : July 4th, 2016
06 April 2016 |