
Performance Reviews: A Step-By-Step Process for Conducting them Meaningfully and Effectively

 Conference CFP


  30 Jun 2021

CFP Deadline:

  30 Jun 2021


  Leawood, United States

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Sponsoring organization:



  Business - Management / Leadership


Event description:

One of the most critical areas of employee relationships and one of the biggest challenges management faces today-is conducting effective performance appraisals and determining appropriate merit increases. Learn to give performance appraisals that help motivate employees to achieve goals and increase their value to the organization. Why Should You Attend By attending, you will understand how to even more effectively: » Would you like to conduct more effective performance reviews? » Would you like to know how to give people “bad news” in a way which will not hurt but in fact improve your working relationships? » Would you like to be able to suggest improvement in a way which encourages rather than discourages? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then come laugh, listen and learn as Chris DeVany leads us all through those important topics, key questions and answers we all need to be able to address effectively to improve our team members’ and team’s performance! ... Read more

Posting date:

07 June 2021  |  155 views


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