When: |
28 Sep 2020 through 29 Sep 2020 | |
Where: |
Online Event | | |
Website URL: |
https://www.complianceonline.com/supplier-and-contract-manufacturer-management-seminar-training-80627SEM-prdsm?channel=brownwalker | |
Sponsoring organization: |
Compliance Online | |
Categories: |
Business - Other |
Event description:
Effective management of suppliers and contract manufacturers is an integral component of a quality management system. Suppliers are an integral part of the supply chain and, therefore, the process of production and delivery should by understood and supplier relationships developed and improved. Supplier failures can increase the cost of poor quality through excess inventory, downtime, additional testing, and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, a significant strategic advantage can be gained by excellent supplier management. One of the seven quality principles of ISO 9001 is to build relationships with suppliers because it is a critical component of sustained success.
Posting date:
09 August 2020 | 235 views
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