When: |
03 Aug 2020 through 28 Aug 2020 | |
Where: |
Online Event | | |
Website URL: |
http://media.lcir.co.uk/new-media-art-online-course/ | |
Sponsoring organization: |
London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research | |
Categories: |
Arts & Humanities - Other |
Event description:
Media Studies - New Media Art - Online Course | Course dates: 3-28 August 2020 | The course comprises 3 modules / 30 hours each: lectures/discussions (3 meetings), reading/watching, studying/writing, final assignment: essay on a chosen subject. Duration: 2-4 weeks. | Course overview: The history of new media art forms emerging in the 20th century is increasingly entangled in relationships with technology (i.e. medium), the mass media and visual culture in general. Non-digital artworks have challenged the notions of aesthetics, spatiality, and temporality, by venturing into new fields of spatial installations, happenings, performance, video, and internet art, well into multiplatform immersive projects in which borders between the material and the virtual are breached. This course is designed as an introduction into specific developments that led up to new media/interactive art we encounter in contemporary art galleries. It will introduce groundbreaking artists and their works, areas...
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Posting date:
23 June 2020 | 231 views
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