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A Flight Attendant's Essential Guide

From Passenger Relations to Challenging Situations

by Colin C. Law
small book icon  Paperback  
Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2019
Pages:  502
ISBN-10:  1627347283
ISBN-13:  9781627347280
Categories:  Transportation  Transportation  Transportation


A Flight Attendant's Essential Guide is written for airline executives, university lecturers who specialize in the airline industry, and for undergraduate students preparing for a career as a flight attendant. Those working in passenger, aircraft, airport as well as general communications at an airport or aircraft can benefit from this book though a thorough understanding the responsibilities of flight attendants. This textbook focuses on the passenger aspect of in-flight service, including operations and communication skills, and how flight attendants interact with passengers at each phase of a flight.


Contact Publisher for PowerPoint companion slide presentation available for each chapter. Samples chapters below
Chapter 1 - The Flight Attendant
Chapter 2 - "The Aircraft Cabin

See also see A Practical Guide to Airline Customer Service: From Airline Operations to Passenger Services by Colin C. Law

About the Author

Colin C. Law is academician of Air Transportation Management. Prior to joining the academic field, he had worked in the customer service, reservation and finance departments of a major international carrier for nearly ten years. This extensive experience in customer service and airline operations has enabled him to develop multiple airline courses for the tertiary education sector and provide working professionals with insight into the airline industry. Colin is also the author of other critically acclaimed textbooks on airline airport operations, and is the author of A Practical Guide to Airline Customer Service: From Airline Operations to Passenger Services and the co-author of Introduction to Airline Ground Service.

Paperback Edition
502 pages
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