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Flat Space Cosmology

A New Model of the Universe Incorporating Astronomical Observations of Black Holes, Dark Energy and Dark Matter

by Eugene Terry Tatum and U.V.S. Seshavatharam
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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2021
Pages:  204
ISBN-10:  1627343393
ISBN-13:  9781627343398
Categories:  Astronomy & Space Science  Science  Nature & Biology


This compilation based upon recent peer-reviewed journal publications encapsulates how the Flat Space Cosmology model (FSC) has become the primary competitor to the inflationary standard model of cosmology. New ideas concerning black holes, dark energy and dark matter are presented and shown to correlate extremely well with astronomical observations.

Anyone who follows the fast-changing science of cosmology, has an interest in the latest developments, and would like to know how it is that our universe appears to follow equations one would ordinarily expect for a time-reversed black hole (!), may find this book to be fascinating.

Cosmology is the study of how the universe has changed over the great span of time (roughly 14 billion years). Later centuries will look back upon the period from 1990-2030 as a ‘Golden Age’ of theoretical and observational cosmology. It is highly likely that we are on the verge of a deeper understanding of the most mysterious energy (‘dark energy’) and matter (‘dark matter’) comprising the majority of energy and matter in the universe. Some of the material presented in this book is on the cutting edge of dark energy and dark matter theoretical work.

This book summarizes, for the first time, the groundbreaking publications of two cosmologists, one from the United States and the other from India, from 2015 thru 2020. During this highly productive period, the authors stealthily published their papers in six different peer-reviewed scientific journals, so that the model could be quietly explored in all aspects before bringing it all together in a single book. This is that book!


See related author work How Dark Energy Might Be Produced by Black Holes in Journal of Modern Physics > Vol.14 No.5, April 2023.

The Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) model of its authors, Eugene Terry Tatum and U.V.S Seshavatharam, passes both theoretical and mathematical muster, and to the best of this reader's knowledge, has received no serious rebuttal from reputable cosmologists. The authors in their peer-reviewed published work, have set forth a cogent and logical model which is superior to the standard inflationary cosmology in eleven important categories as noted in the second chapter of their book. The authors' FSC model is very unique in that it was inspired by the Hawking-Penrose conjecture and is modeled like a time-reversed black hole, being in essence a white hole so to speak. It should also not go unnoticed that FSC is supported by or is consistent with the recent observational data of the astronomy projects. Enhancing the appeal of this book to the reader is the theory and discussion of dark matter by author Tatum in chapters twelve and sixteen. The authors' work is now the vanguard of modern cosmology and this reader highly recommends Flat Space Cosmology-A New Model of the Universe Incorporating Astronomical Observations of Black Holes, Dark Energy and Dark Matter to all who seek a viable alternative to standard inflationary cosmology.
--Pat Lawrence

About the Author

Eugene Terry Tatum is today's foremost expert on the apparent links between black holes and cosmology. This field of interest stems from the original work of Penrose and Hawking in the 1960s and continues today with the Flat Space Cosmology model summarized herein. Dr. Tatum has numerous peer-reviewed physics journal publications and was the editor of IntechOpen's 2020 book entitled 'New Ideas Concerning Black Holes and the Universe.' He is also the originator of the "cold hydrogen dark matter" theory presented herein.

U.V.S. Seshavatharam is a member of I-SERVE, Hyderabad, India. He has accumulated more than one hundred publications in numerous peer-reviewed physics journals. Most of these have been in co-authorship with Prof. S. Lakshminarayana, formerly of the Dept. of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University, AP, India. Current theoretical interests include quantum gravity, quantum cosmology and cold nuclear fusion.

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