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The Climate Crisis and Corrupt Politics

Overcoming the Powerful Forces that Threaten our Future

by Larry J. Schweiger
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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2019
Pages:  362
ISBN-10:  162734280X
ISBN-13:  9781627342803
Categories:  Earth and Environmental Sciences  Political Science  Nature & Biology


There is only one earth and our world is undergoing dramatic changes brought on by the climate crisis and other human-induced ecological disruptions. The world's top scientists studying these threats and the forces behind them have been warning us for decades to end the use of fossil fuels or face catastrophic consequences. Countering the still small voices of science, our democratic system of government has been rigged largely by the fossil fuel industry and other special interests leaving America hoodwinked and held hostage to dirty fuels. Campaigning politicians claim to be working for us when in fact they are being paid and controlled by fierce special interests.

As a lifetime environmental insider in the struggle against fossil fuel interests, I have written this book to better equip Americans for the struggle ahead. Since 1978, I spent my career in the struggle to end carbon pollution in all of its forms and I have taken a unique perspective on the far-reaching corrupt forces at work in government at all levels.

This is an urgent message aimed at parents and grandparents who care about their children, who are forced to live on the ragged edge of an unprecedented climate crisis. This book is also for young leaders who understand that we must act now with a "Green New Deal" scale response. Together, we must confront and overcome the many toxic money influences, reverse a failing democracy and retake the reins of government to enact policies that secure our shared future and the future of life on earth.

We must work together. Learn how powerful forces operating behind the curtain have been orchestrating our system for their benefit and our ultimate downfall. Discover ways we can work together to fix a broken system and reclaim leadership to stem the climate crisis and avoid the ecological meltdown that threatens millions of species on Earth. Together, we can and must reclaim our government and restore our precarious environment. We must confront the lies and end gerrymandering, voter suppression and other political manipulations that thwart progress to a clean energy future. We must respond to the climate crisis with a bold plan to convert to a carbon-free energy future. By acting now, we can still change the outcome of life on earth.


Read review by Evaggelos Vallianatos The Earth on Fire (2020-Dec-04)

Listen to the audiio interview with Larry Schweiger at The Allegheny Front by Kara Holsopple.

This is a dynamite analysis of our world. It is a required read.
Robert Corell Ph.D. Chair chair of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

Larry Schweiger is a hero of the modern American environmental movement. He has been leading the fight for clean air and clean water since the very first Earth Day, and he brings a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and insight to his assessment of where we stand in the greatest environmental battle of all—the battle to avert catastrophic climate change. Read this book to arm yourself with the facts necessary to fight back against the polluters and win this battle.
Michael E. Mann, Director, Penn State Earth System Science Center and author of The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our politics, and Driving Us Crazy

About the Author

Larry was President and CEO of three organizations: National Wildlife Federation, PennFuture, and Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. He headed the 4.5 million-member National Wildlife Federation for ten years and served in various positions for an additional fourteen years. As President of the Conservancy, Schweiger led the effort to fund the restoration of Fallingwater and created thousands of acres of public lands including the creation of Erie Bluffs State Park.

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