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The Healing Spirit

Embracing the Healing Spirit Between and Within Us

by Vincent L. Perri
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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2019
Pages:  178
ISBN-10:  1627342729
ISBN-13:  9781627342728
Categories:  Health Sciences  Body, Mind & Spirit  Self-Help


The Healing Spirit explores the idea that there is healing in dialogue. Using examples from Judaic, Christian and Buddhist philosophies and drawing on his personal and professional experiences, Dr. Perri explains how he believes the healing spirit emerges when two people unconditionally encounter each other. Introducing his concepts of the invisible matrix, archetypal language, and the naked essentials of relation he draws on the works of Martin Buber, Carl G. Jung and Abraham Joshua Heschel and their germinal contribution to the topic. The Healing Spirit can be a valuable guide to anyone in the healing or helping professions or anyone who simply wishes to help another. The Healing Spirit explores many of the personal encounters of people in the depths of sorrow, and how meaningful interpersonal dialogue generated the essence of spirit in their lives. Dr. Perri embraces the idea that spirit emerges both within and between us when spirit is beckoned. It is the spirit that heals. It is The Healing Spirit.

About the Author

Dr. Perri is in private practice in Waterbury, Ct. He is a diplomate of the International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy and holds two doctoral degrees. He has published eight books and multiple professional papers, and lectures professionally as requested.

Paperback Edition
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