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Psychological Problems and Their Big Deceptions

Introducing Predicate-Equating Cognition, Metaphorical Communications, and the Unconscious Entity

by David W. Shave
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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2018
Pages:  492
ISBN-10:  1627342435
ISBN-13:  9781627342438
Categories:  Psychology  Psychology  Self-Help


Psychological Problems And Their Big Deceptions reveals the multiple fraudulent and deceptive concepts of both Psychology and Psychiatry, such as the present-day gross misuse of the  "PTSD" diagnosis,  while introducing the foremost, but previously unrecognized, concept, the "Unconscious Entity." Though all people do not have a mental illness, everyone, without exception, has periods of being emotionally uncomfortable. This book convincingly shows what causes a state of being emotionally uncomfortable to any degree, and what is necessary to regain a state of being emotionally comfortable. In doing this, one will conclude it is a lot less the psychological counsel, in someone seeking professional help, and much more the listening, in any "counseling," that makes the cure. This book explores, in detail, a dimension of human communication Psychology and Psychiatry have yet to fully appreciate, that has an immense capacity to make a person more emotionally comfortable, as well as an equally immense capacity to keep a person emotionally comfortable. That dimension is prevalent in any on-going small talk, and is mutually utilized, to the same degree, by the participants of that talking.

About the Author

David W. Shave is a retired psychiatrist. He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Albion College at Albion, Michigan, and both a Master of Science Degree and a Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan. He did a rotating internship at Gorgas Hospital, US Panama Canal Zone, and then completed a psychiatric residency at the Mental Health Institute, Cherokee, Iowa which was affiliated at that time with the University of Iowa. After completing his medical training, he was associated with the medical staff of Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Salisbury, Maryland and retired as its Chief of Psychiatry. He was a Consultant in Psychiatry for the Eastern Shore Hospital Center, a large state mental hospital at Cambridge, Maryland. He served in the US Air Force, and the US Air Force Reserve, attaining the rank of “Colonel” as a military psychiatrist. He has published and lectured extensively in the field of Psychiatry, especially regarding unconscious communications. This book has evolved from the Author’s many published and personally presented academic papers, and his past six academically published books on unconscious communications.

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