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144 pages
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Natural Behavior
The Evolution of Behavior in Humans and Animals using Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology
by Burton A. Weiss
Publisher: | Universal Publishers |
Pub date: | 2018 |
Pages: | 144 |
ISBN-10: | 1627342427 |
ISBN-13: | 9781627342421 |
Categories: | Biological Sciences Nature & Biology Psychology |
Natural Behavior provides seminal insights into the evolution of animal and human behavior for enthusiasts of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology. Evolution and the behavior of the animal kingdom are discussed with new concepts on science, learning and instinct, and population phenomena. Hominization, interaction with Neanderthals, how the brain evolved, and the impact on the World are described with new views.The origin of our scientific concepts and the trend away from the egocentric position, placing humans at the center of the universe, is considered, along with the status of religion and how the fit with science is positive. This volume carefully explains evolution and the central role of behavior in natural selection. The range of animal behavior from single cells to people is covered, as are, topics like European settling of the New World first, and the effects of humans on the planet.
About the Author
Burton A. Weiss holds an AB, magna cum laude, an MA and a Ph.D. from Princeton University. He taught and did research for nearly five decades at the University of South Florida, the University of Massachusetts, Drexel University, and the University of the Arts. He is a Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and the American Psychology Society and is a Diplomate-Fellow in Prescribing Psychology. His research spans from ants to fishes to frogs to crowd noise. He is a licensed psychologist and has done work in forensic investigation. Now emeritus, he has focused on producing this volume on the evolution of behavior from years of thought on animal behavior.
Paperback Edition
144 pages
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