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Discovering Postmodern Cosmology
Discoveries in Dark Matter, Cosmic Web, Big Bang, Inflation, Cosmic Rays, Dark Energy, Accelerating Cosmos
by Jerome Drexler

Publisher: | Universal Publishers |
Pub date: | 2008 |
Pages: | 291 |
ISBN-10: | 159942987X |
ISBN-13: | 9781599429878 |
Categories: | Astronomy & Space Science |
Learn how a world-class inventor-scientist is currently tackling the greatest scientific mysteries of the universe -- and succeeding. With his new book, Drexler provides a viable baseline to jump-start debate on a standard model for postmodern cosmology. It is the first book to not only address these seven unsolved cosmic mysteries, shown in this book's subtitle, but also offer plausible explanations for each of them. The correlation of these seven cosmic phenomena by Drexler offers a revolutionary advance in cosmological research and potentially broad acceptance and use of the related concepts.This book was written for open-minded cosmologists, astronomers, astrophysicists, physicists, engineers, students, enthusiasts and those at NASA, NSF, DOE and ESO who want to understand postmodern cosmology. The author's five years of cosmology research, and his successes, convinced him that his postmodern cosmology model is correctly based upon the relationships and linkages of these seven cosmic phenomena.
About the Author
Jerome Drexler is the author of three astro-cosmology books, a former Research Professor in physics at NJIT, former Chairman and chief scientist of LaserCard Corp. (Nasdaq: LCRD) and former Member of the Technical Staff of Bell Laboratories. He has been awarded 76 U.S. patents, honorary Doctor of Science degrees from NJIT and Upsala College, a degree of Honorary Fellow of the Technion, an Honorary Life Member of the Technion Board of Governors, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship at Stanford University, a three-year Bell Labs graduate study fellowship, the 1990 "Inventor of the Year Award" for Silicon Valley, and the first patent on an optical disk "Laser Optical Storage System."
Paperback Edition
291 pages
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