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Media and the Politics of Culture
The Case of Television Privatization and Media Globalization in Jamaica (1990-2007)
by Nickesia S. Gordon
eBook PDF
Publisher: | Universal Publishers |
Pub date: | 2008 |
Pages: | 166 |
ISBN-10: | 159942973X |
ISBN-13: | 9781599429731 |
Categories: | Communications and the Arts |
There is a great deal of discussion about media globalization, particularly television, especially as it is being driven by the spread of satellite technology and cable. While certain schools of thought view this trend as promoting cultural heterogeneity and the diversification of programme content, this book argues otherwise. It discusses the influence of globalization on Jamaica's television industry. Specifically, it looks at how market liberalization, globalization's twin force, has lead to government divestment of the television sector and increased private ownership and consolidation within this sector. It revisits the cultural imperialism debate within the context of media globalization and locates Jamaica's position within this milieu. It suggests that old concerns relating to cultural imperialism are still relevant in new ideas such as cultural proximity and programme modeling. The book also discusses the implications that increased private ownership of television media in Jamaica have for public broadcasting services, especially in an age of consolidation. Finally, the book examines current media policies and discusses whether or not they are adequate to address the present media environment, within which the market model of media management encourages anti-competitive behaviour among media firms.About the Author
Dr. Nickesia Gordon is an Assistant Professor of Communication at Barry University. Her current research interests lie in investigating media convergence and its implications for television programming, as well as globalization and media in the Caribbean. She teaches courses in media programming, media management, and television production. Dr. Gordon earned her doctoral degree in Communication and Culture from Howard University in 2007.
Paperback Edition
166 pages
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