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Asylum and Sanctuary in History and Law

A Social and Political Approach to Temporary Protections Around the World

by James Biser Whisker and Kevin R Spiker
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Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2021
Pages:  260
ISBN-10:  1599426161
ISBN-13:  9781599426167
Categories:  Law  Law & Legal Studies  History


This book explores the history and evolution of sanctuary and asylum as a legal concept including treaties, laws, and court rulings by major geographic areas around the world, influences of Hebrew [Old Testament], classical sanctuary theory and practices, the Koran, and other Islamic-Arab regional accords and conventions. The authors' approach is well cited and suitable for those who want a good starting point for further study. Included in the book are chapters on the following topics: Sanctuary and Asylum, Jewish View of Asylum, Asylum History, Asylum in France, Asylum: History, Asylum in France, Asylum in Great Britain, Asylum in Germany, Asylum: Islamic Law, Asylum in International Treaties, Asylum in International Relations, Asylum in the United States, Asylum in the European Community, Asylum in Latin America, Asylum in Sub-Saharan Africa.

About the Author

James B Whisker is professor emeritus from West Virginia University where he taught for over 37 years. He was adviser to the WVU College Republicans during most of his tenure. He received his B.S. From Mount St. Mary's College; masters degrees in history and philosophy from Niagara University; and Ph. D. in 1969 from the University of Maryland. He is author or co-author of books on gunsmiths and arms makers of eighteen states. He co-authored books on clockmakers and silversmiths of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Among his other books are The Alien Tort Claims Act, The Militia, The Right to Hunt; Just War in Traditional Catholic Thought; Capital Punishment in American Courts; The Citizen-Soldier and U.S. Military Policy, Our Vanishing Freedom: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Rise and Decline of the American Militia System. He currently resides in Everett with his wife of 50 years, the former Sheila Elaine Bailey.

Kevin R. Spiker is a graduate of Bedford High School, the Pennsylvania State University, and West Virginia University where he earned his Ph.D. He has taught political science at West Virginia University, Frostburg State University and is currently associate professor at Ohio University. His first published work was on the life and contributions of Erskine S Allin. With Professor Whisker he has co-authored a series on Bedford County, Pennsylvania, history; The Alien Tort Claims Act, Capital Punishment in the American Courts, and Command Responsibility. They are currently working on additional publications. His teaching areas include political theory and American political institutions.

Paperback Edition
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