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The Legacy of the Wisecrack

Stand-up Comedy as the Great American Literary Form

by Eddie Tafoya
small book icon  Paperback  
Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2009
Pages:  236
ISBN-10:  1599424959
ISBN-13:  9781599424958
Categories:  Communications and the Arts  Language Arts & Disciplines  Performing Arts


Despite the claim of many a Borscht Belt comic that he is a practitioner of "the world's second-oldest professsion," stand-up comedy is a young and distinctly American literary form. It was not until the last decades of the nineteenth century when, enabled by unprecedented prosperity and the right to free expression, that monologists began appearing in American vaudeville halls. Yet even though it has since become an entertainment industry mainstay, stand-up comedy has received precious little scholarly attention.
The Legacy of the Wisecrack: Stand-up Comedy as the Great American Literary Form looks at the theory of stand-up comedy, its literary dimensions, and its distinctly American qualities as it provides a detailed history of the forces that shaped it. The study concludes with a look at the works of specific comedians such as Steven Wright, whose three decades of performances comprise a single picaresque tale, and Richard Pryor, whose 1982 masterpiece Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip serves as modern America's answer to Dante Aligheri's epic poem, Inferno. The result is one of the first serious treatments of stand-up comedy as a literary form.

About the Author

Eddie Tafoya is an associate professor of literature and creative writing at New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, New Mexico, and a working stand-up comedian. He is co-editor (along with Michael T. Carroll) of the book Phenomenological Approaches to Popular Culture. He is currently writing an encyclopedia of icons in African-American comedy.

Paperback Edition
236 pages
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