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Language, Reality, and Transcendence

An Essay on the Main Strands of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy

by Ramesh Chandra Pradhan
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Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2008
Pages:  264
ISBN-10:  1599424754
ISBN-13:  9781599424750
Categories:  Philosophy, Religion, and Theology    


Language, Reality, and Transcendence deals with the later philosophy of Wittgenstein by delving into language, grammar, rule, self, world, culture, and value. Wittgenstein has given a comprehensive philosophy of man and the world and has dealt with the destiny of man by outlining the moral and the spiritual goals of human life. In this work, the nature of Wittgenstein's transcendent metaphysics of man and the ultimate reality has been outlined.

About the Author

Ramesh Chandra Pradhan is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hyderabad, India. He teaches Wittgenstein, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind. He has several books and papers to his credit in these areas.

Paperback Edition
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