Hardcover Edition
342 Pages
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An Introduction to UMTS Technology
Testing, Specifications and Standard Bodies for Engineers and Managers
by Dr. Faris Muhammad

Publisher: | BrownWalker Press |
Pub date: | 2008 |
Pages: | 342 |
ISBN-10: | 1599424460 |
ISBN-13: | 9781599424460 |
Categories: | Engineering Textbooks |
An Introduction to UMTS: Specifications, Testing and Standards Bodies is the most comprehensive text for practicing engineers and technicians about testing, specification and standards bodies of cellular communications equipment. It is aimed at those responsible for developing and maintaining both mobile and base station units. Each chapter discusses in detail the necessary elements moving to the more advanced components. In addition to testing, specification and standards bodies, readers will learn: the development life cycle of UE and Node-B building blocks; what needs to be tested; when and how testing should be performed; as well as certification formalities, including processes and procedures; and testing tools and languages.Buy or Review at Amazon.com
Paperback edition $89.95
About the Author
Faris Muhammad (Ph.D., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow) is Senior Technical Consultant and Technical Authority of UMTS and WiMAX technology at Aeroflex Wireless, UK. He is a chartered engineer and fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He worked as Senior Lecturer for Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Hertfordshire. His main topics of interest are wireless and optical fibre communications. Dr. Muhuammad's work has been published in numerous technical journals.
Hardcover Edition
342 Pages
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