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Should Christianity Abandon the Doctrine of the Trinity?

by Michael A. Barber
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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2006
Pages:  266
ISBN-10:  1581129408
ISBN-13:  9781581129403
Categories:  Philosophy, Religion, and Theology  Religion  Philosophy


This is a highly controversial exposition of a doctrine which has dominated Christianity for two thousand years. The book takes apart, piece by piece, the very foundation that so many religions use to support the belief that there are three persons in one God. It analyses the major scriptural references pointed to in Trinity support texts, and examines them in the light of biblical context and by original-language comparisons. World-renowned authorities on biblical Hebrew and Greek are sought for their views on these key scriptures. This is a compelling book which turns the very foundation of Christianity onto its head.

Paperback Edition
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