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Of Kings and Pawns

Chess Strategy in the Endgame

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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2006
Pages:  150
ISBN-10:  1581129092
ISBN-13:  9781581129090
Categories:  Category : Other  Games  Self-Help


In chess games the result is often determined in the endgame, where most of the armies have been removed from the board. When it comes down to just kings and pawns, absolute precision is necessary, and a minor slip can toss away all the hard-earned advantages built up during the game.

Endgames are very complex strategically. It is necessary to have in mind a specific target position so that a pawn can be marched to the far side of the board and be promoted into a queen or other powerful piece. The unique format of this book provides the reader with the desired target at the start of the discussion, so that the main task is to find a path from the initial position to one which is clearly winning (or drawing), as required.

The 26 exercises are positions that are not only important for developing endgame technique, but are also of high artistic merit, so that the study of the positions will be entertaining. Chess master Eric Schiller, internationally recognized trainer and author of many books on chess, provides detailed commentary for each position, pointing out important alternative strategies and all of the tactical nuances. After working through the material in this book, the reader will be ready to cope with even the trickiest king and pawn endgames, and as a consequence will have better results in both competitive and casual play.

See other books by Dr. Schiller:
The Rubinstein Attack: A Chess Opening Strategy for White, US $21.95

About the Author

Eric Schiller is an internationally ranked chess master. He holds the title of FIDE Master from the World Chess Federation (FIDE). Dr. Schiller has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Chicago and is the author of numerous books on chess, specializing in chess opening strategies. He is also active as an arbiter of major chess competitions, and served as arbiter for the 2000 World Chess Championship match.

Paperback Edition
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