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01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds!

A Real Man's Guide on How to Find, Date, and Romance the Perfect Woman

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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  1999
Pages:  168
ISBN-10:  1581128541
ISBN-13:  9781581128543
Categories:  invalid  Self-Help  Family & Relationships


01 LESSON: BEAUTIFUL WOMEN PREFER NERDS! is a step-by-step men's textbook for beginners on how to find and attract the Perfect Woman or Dream Girl. Beginning with a diagnostic test, the book explains dating, falling in love, and finding romance in a concise and entertaining manner, showing all the clever strategies successful men use. Time-tested methods are illustrated with humorous anecdotes and memorable thumb rules.

Test Your Knowledge

Skill in romance is learned, not inherited. The following is a pre-test, which you can use to test your present knowledge of romance.

  1. Anson is a short, balding, very sensitive man (but he hides his feelings) who has many friends who are girls, but he doesn't have a girlfriend. Anson wins the lottery and gets two free tickets to an expensive dinner and a special symphony orchestra concert performed by the best musicians from many different countries. He calls some of his female friends, but nobody wants to accompany him to the event because they don't want to give him the "wrong idea." What should he do?
  2. Anson's friend Bob wants to arrange a blind date for Anson. Anson asks, "Can you describe her? What does she look like?" Bob replies, "Well, she has a nice personality." What should Anson do?

About the Author

Ross Quigley is a freelance writer living in the Chicago area.

Paperback Edition
168 pages
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