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The Engineer's Guide to Hustle Dancing
eBook PDF
Publisher: | Universal Publishers |
Pub date: | 1999 |
Pages: | 136 |
ISBN-10: | 158112824X |
ISBN-13: | 9781581128246 |
Categories: | invalid Sports & Recreation Sports & Recreation |
If you are a dance student and have been searching for a way to remember all those dance steps that you have spent so much time and effort learning, this is the book for you. Michael Yusim is an experienced engineer and computer programmer who has devised a unique and innovative method for recording dance steps. Mariann Cataletto is a current medical system manager, computer programming student, and a former dance teacher. Their combined talents have resulted in the creation of an effective tool for learning and retention so that you never need to experience the frustration of forgetting a dance pattern again. Their graphics library provides a wealth of information on Hustle step combinations.
Paperback Edition
136 pages
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