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Why Do They Call It BUSINESS If It's Mostly POLITICS?

 Paperback     eBook PDF
Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  1999
Pages:  153
ISBN-10:  1581128142
ISBN-13:  9781581128147
Categories:  invalid  Business & Economics  Political Science


In this first-ever foray into the mysterious and tumultuous world of corporate politics, the author traces it from its humble beginnings to its commanding position of influence over every facet of business life in organizations today.

As head of The Truth Squad, an independent consulting practice which he founded, Mike Latimer has studied the myriad of ways in which corporate politics is practiced in the workplace. Utilizing remarkable comparisons to the animal kingdom and revolutionary concepts such as "facts evasion" and "excessive wait loss, " he brings the topic further out into the open than ever before. Anyone who has ever been part of an organization will be able to identify with his real-life examples from experiences spanning over twenty years in business. The book provides the most enlightening and amusing perspective ever presented on this subject, and is a must-read for those interested in learning more about this unshakable reality of the business world. In this first-ever foray into the mysterious and tumultuous world of corporate politics, the author traces it from its humble beginnings to its commanding position of influence over every facet of business life in organizations today.

As head of The Truth Squad, an independent consulting practice which he founded, Mike Latimer has studied the myriad of ways in which corporate politics is practiced in the workplace. Utilizing remarkable comparisons to the animal kingdom and revolutionary concepts such as "facts evasion" and "excessive wait loss, " he brings the topic further out into the open than ever before. Anyone who has ever been part of an organization will be able to identify with his real-life examples from experiences spanning over twenty years in business. The book provides the most enlightening and amusing perspective ever presented on this subject, and is a must-read for those interested in learning more about this unshakable reality of the business world.

Paperback Edition
153 pages
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