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Joe Monk was a young black golf prodigy. His swing was so pure and wide and flowing that his soul and golf's spirits seemed to merge as one.He learned to play with a tobacco stick as his club and small round pebbles as his projectiles.
Because of his race he was required to travel north to establish credentials sufficient to participate in the great North and South Amateur in Pinehurst, predecessor to Augusta, golf's southern right of spring. Potentially the world's greatest golfer, his quest for immortality on the number two course is poignant and stirring.
About the Author
The author was born, reared and educated through secondary school in Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina. He received his BA degree in history from Wake Forest College in 1967 and his Juris Doctors degree in law from the Wake Forest University School of Law in 1970. He has been a practitioner in law in Lexington from his admission to the bar and is married to Sandra Craver Snyder. They have two daughters and three grandchildren. He is the author of twelve books (three are third additions).
Paperback Edition
118 pages
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