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A Lawyer Prays God's Will for His Clients

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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2000
Pages:  342
ISBN-10:  1581127286
ISBN-13:  9781581127287
Categories:  invalid  Non-Classifiable  Non-Classifiable


An extraordinary spiritual experience: e.g. a prayer by the husband, a prayer by the wife, again the husband, again the wife and then the lawyer.

If you have a legal problem, you have a spiritual opportunity.

Follow amazing prayer language--dialogues of prayers between litigants who involve God as their true Judge.

If your cause is so right; is it also righteous; and, are you willing to pray and even to hear the prayers of your opposition?

Will you enter God's courthouse and with ultimate honesty and faith simply submit--without appeal?

This book is a series of prayers pertaining to most every important legal topic. Five prayers are offered with regard to each topic. For example, in a domestic scenario, the wife prays a prayer, the husband prays a prayer, then the wife, then the husband to be followed by a prayer of the attorney. It is desired that a reading of these prayers will enable individuals with specific legal concerns better to appreciate their own positions and the positions of the opposition and that the reader will find strength, comfort, and unique ways to resolve their particular controversies.

About the Author

The author was born, reared and educated through secondary school in Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina. He received his BA degree in history from Wake Forest College in 1967 and his Juris Doctors degree in law from the Wake Forest University School of Law in 1970. A practitioner of law in Lexington from his admission to the bar, he is married to Sandra Craver Snyder, and they have two daughters and three grandchildren. He is the author of twelve books (three are third additions).

Paperback Edition
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