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The Certified Guide to Modern Office Humor

by Thejendra BS Sreenivas
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Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2003
Pages:  108
ISBN-10:  1581125690
ISBN-13:  9781581125696
Categories:  Communications and the Arts  Humor  Humor


Management and Business sections of all bookstores are usually filled with hundred and hundreds of serious business books. An employee of today's modern, high-pressure corporate life will find very few books written on the lighter and satirical side of things we normally (or abnormally) do in today's workplace. This book attempts to fill that gap, and is a book about HUMOR in Office & Corporate life. The contents of the book are totally imaginative and are meant to be taken with a "pinch of salt", though the paper used may not be edible. A copy of this good for nothing book on every employee's desk will ensure that people switch off doing their work in a serious manner, and start doing the same work in a joyful manner. After all, everyone loves their jobs, but hates the work. Isn't it true?

About the Author

Thejendra BS is an IT manager for a software development firm in Bangalore, India. In addition, he is also a freelance writer and writes humor, technical and serious management topics, which are frequently syndicated around our planet. His articles have been published on reputed websites like,,,, and many ezines He has also written two books on Disaster Recovery and IT Service Management. Contact the author on and visit his website

Paperback Edition
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