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Secret Death and New Life
Self-Development Strategies Founded on Analytical Spirituality for Learned People
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Publisher: | Universal Publishers |
Pub date: | 2005 |
Pages: | 250 |
ISBN-10: | 1581124848 |
ISBN-13: | 9781581124842 |
Categories: | Category : Other Body, Mind & Spirit Self-Help |
The book has been structured into three parts, namely, Analytical Meditation, The Death of Diseases: Psychological Vaccination, Communication with the Heart: The Utterances that Provide Energy, and The Architecture of the Mind: The Psychology of Spirituality. The entire approach is founded on the concept of the combination of Analysis (or self-enquiry), Meditation, Self-Hypnosis, and Prayer and is expected to simultaneously work on the different dimensions of the mind –emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and behavioral. It is expected, as hundreds of the author’s readers have reported to have experienced, that the method will work instantly on the mind, without the reader’s having to do any special mental exercise as is typical of most meditation practices.About the Author
S. M. Zakir Hussain, born in a small village in Bangladesh in 1971, is, though young, one of the most influential writers on progressive spirituality in his country with a wide readership in Bangladesh and India. The youngest son of a late Sufi master, he inherited the motivation for writing and thinking from his family tradition, and has been writing since he was only six. He has been writing professionally for the last fourteen years and has published more than ninety books, many of which are best-sellers in his country. He has widely written on English language, management, spirituality, literature, elementary mathematics, philosophy, logic, theol-ogy, sociology, linguistics, family psychology, epistemology, creativity, and education. At present a second-year student of M. Phil. at the Dhaka University, he obtained his MBA from the Institute of Business Administration of the Dhaka University in 1996. Besides writing, his professional experience includes management consultancy, teaching, editing, and systems analysis.
Paperback Edition
250 pages
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