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Introduction to Quantum Computation

by Ioan Burda
 Paperback     eBook PDF
Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2005
Pages:  165
ISBN-10:  158112466X
ISBN-13:  9781581124668
Categories:  Mathematics  Mathematics  Computers


Introduction to Quantum Computation is an introduction to a new rapidly developing theory of quantum computing. The book is a comprehensive introduction to the main ideas and techniques of quantum computation. It begins with the basics of classical theory of computation: NP-complete problems, Boolean circuits, Finite state machine, Turing machine and the idea of complexity of an algorithm. The general quantum formalism (pure states, qubit, superposition, evolution of quantum system, entanglement, multi-qubit system ...) and complex algorithm examples are also presented.

Matlab is a well known in engineer academia as matrix computing environment, which makes it well suited for simulating quantum algorithms. The (Quantum Computer Toolbox) QCT is written entirely in the Matlab and m-files are listed in book’s sections. There are certain data types that are implicitly defined by the QCT, including data types for qubit registers and transformations. The QCT contains many functions designed to mimic the actions of a quantum computer. In addition, the QCT contains several convenience functions designed to aid in the creation and modification of the data types used in algorithms.

The main purposes of the QCT are for research involving Quantum Computation and as a teaching tool to aid in learning about Quantum Computing systems. The readers will learn to implement complex quantum algorithm (quantum teleportation and Deutsch, Grover, Shor algorithm) under Matlab environment (complete Matlab code examples).

Paperback Edition
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