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Book 7 of Caesar's Bellum Gallicum

With Introduction, Text, Vocabulary and Notes

by Drew Arlen Mannetter, PhD.
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Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2004
Pages:  396
ISBN-10:  1581124279
ISBN-13:  9781581124279
Categories:  Communications and the Arts  Literary Criticism  History


This comprehensive reader utilizes a step-by-step approach to help students of Latin read and understand the longest and most dramatic book of Caesar's Gallic War. Book 7 is the culmination of the conflict between Gaul, led by the young Arvernian Vercingetorix and fighting for its freedom and political survival, and the Romans, led by Julius Caesar and fighting for hegemony and political mastery. The final battle at Alesia, pitting the united might of Gaul at 339,000 men against a Roman army of 40,000, changed the course of Western history. This reader is ideal for Latin students of all levels who have a basic knowledge of grammar and morphology. The Latin text of all 90 chapters of Book 7 is broken down into manageable segments, normally about a sentence in length. Immediately following, all vocabulary is provided with several meanings of each word selected for that particular context. This is especially helpful for beginning students who are sometimes unsure which definition of a given word to select for translation. Following the vocabulary, there are notes on the passage. A unique feature of this reader is that the notes are complete and cover the syntax of every construction and every word in turn. The thoroughness of this reader facilitates speed in reading, increases comprehension, and promotes satisfaction in reading a difficult language. The benefits of this approach will be shared by teachers and students alike.

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