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What's Wrong With The Christian Right

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Publisher:  BrownWalker Press
Pub date:  2004
Pages:  180
ISBN-10:  1581124244
ISBN-13:  9781581124248
Categories:  Philosophy, Religion, and Theology  Religion  Political Science


Silence may be golden, but not when it comes to the extremes of the Christian Right. That is why Jan Linn wrote his new book, What's Wrong With The Christian Right, just released by BrownWalker Press. As a former college and seminary teacher and author of ten previous books, Linn uses the Christian Right's own words and actions to show the extent to which it is trying to reshape both American politics and Christianity into its own image. The book describes in detail the agenda of the Christian Right, the tactics it employs, and the ways it plays loose with truth. It is also a call to action to everyone disturbed by the power and influence of the Christian Right.

With careful documentation, this book exposes the extent to which the Christian Right is influencing American politics, who its political allies are, the ways it is working to re-shape America into its own image, and the hypocrisy it practices in the process. The book also takes issue with the Christian Right's agenda on major issues, and the distorted image its extremism presents of Christianity. What's Wrong With The Christian Right is ultimately a call to all liberal minded people, especially people of faith, to join the effort to offset the Christian Right as the dominant religious voice in America today.

Several outstanding leaders in their field have commended the book to a wide reading audience. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, former General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ, calls the book "a must read." Dr. Albert Pennybacker, founder of the Clergy Leadership Network, describes it as "a book for these times." Dr. Arvid Lundy, retired from Los Alamos National Laboratories and a non-Christian agnostic, describes the book as "a joy to read." James Autry of People for the American Way describes it "a careful, thoughtful, well researched examination of those we call the Christian Right."

Paperback Edition
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