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Command and Control of Disaster Operations

by Walter G. Green, III
Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2001
Pages:  292
ISBN-10:  158112659X
ISBN-13:  9781581126594
Categories:  invalid  Business & Economics  Business & Economics


Originally written as a study guide to assist individuals preparing for the Certified Crisis Operations Manager examination, this volume provides a reference manual for emergency managers on the organizational structures, facilities, and procedures used to manage disaster response operations. The focus is on management of operations during the period immediately prior to disaster onset, the event impact, and the immediate post impact period. Topics covered include the Incident Command System, Command Posts, Emergency Operations Center facilities and organization, emergency plans and guidance documents, information management, interface procedures, communications, strategy and tactics, decision processes, risks and safety, media relations, documentation, stress management, and standards and ethics.

Based on observations of exercises and actual disaster operations and practitioner literature, this volume provides a summary of current best practice for emergency managers, students, and scholars. Its content is applicable to government, voluntary agency, military, and business disaster response activities.

Paperback Edition
292 pages
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