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Solving the Childcare and Flexibility Puzzle

How Working Parents Make the Best Feasible Choices and What That Means for Public Policy

by Arthur C. Emlen
 Paperback     eBook PDF
Publisher:  Universal Publishers
Pub date:  2010
Pages:  121
ISBN-10:  1599428687
ISBN-13:  9781599428680
Categories:  Sociology  Political Science  Social Science


This book shines a light on the dynamics of parental decisions and discovers a remarkable ability. Disputing idealized professional measures as irrelevant to the everyday life of most families, Professor Emlen describes detailed evidence from his own research and arrives at a simple but profound conclusion: that parents have a propensity to make the best choices possible. It all depends on how much flexibility they can marshal from work schedules, shared family efforts, and helpful providers of childcare. Based on successful measurement of childcare quality from a parent's point of view, the findings show that as parents solve their flexibility puzzle, the more flexibility from any or all sources, the better the quality of care. Emlen gives the familiar concept of flexibility new scope and depth, as a necessity for any planned activity, as a resource that comes from multiple sources within the immediate environment, and as a creative problem-solving ability that parents possess.

This satisfying explanation of parental choice contradicts prevailing opinion and has pivotal importance for policy. Emlen traces how an influential vanguard within the childcare profession gave parents a bum rap that led to bad policy, as advocates sought a system of childcare that left parents behind and ignored the vulnerability of families. Emlen charts a new direction, with policies that will increase the wellsprings of flexibility, while respecting freedom of parental choice of childcare.

Many readers will hail a book that makes a case for policy that strengthens the wellbeing of families, improves employment policies, and offers ways to enhance the big picture of childcare in America in all its diversity. This book will be read by those interested in an ecological study of the nature and dynamics of parental judgment and decisions-particularly in the author's fundamental hypothesis explaining the relationship between flexibility and optimal choice. The book will be read also by corporate managers of human resources, early childhood experts, childcare professionals, and by working parents themselves, who will appreciate the book's thoughtful defense of parental choice.

About the Author

Arthur Emlen is Professor Emeritus at Portland State University in Portland Oregon, on the faculty of the Graduate School of Social Work. He taught child welfare and research methods, and was founding director of the Regional Research Institute for Human Services, which he directed for 17 years. His research in child welfare addressed issues of family permanency, and his childcare research focused on how working parents make their work, family, and childcare arrangements, how they manage, and how they assess the quality of their childcare. His research was supported mostly by grants and contracts from the United States Children's Bureau, the U.S. Child Care Bureau, surveys for the State of Oregon, and corporate-sponsored employee surveys of more than 50,000 employees at 125 companies and agencies in 25 cities and 13 states.

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